Streamline your business operations

Assess what works, what doesn't and build quality systems and processes to save you time and money. Focus on what you love to do while we get the job done.

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Is Your Business Struggling?

As a business owner, you have more to-dos than you can manage. Systems get outdated. Change throws a wrench into well-laid plans. You are tired. The company is leaking expenses. You feel stuck. I get it.

What Weighs You Down

  • Staff aren't productive and make a lot of mistakes
  • Revenues are stagnant. Expenses are growing. Equipment is breaking down.
  • Inefficient systems, lost files, paper piles everywhere you look and a maxed out inbox
  • You feel at a loss, with no answers
  • You work nonstop while on a family vacation
  • The doctor has warned you about your stress levels

The Solution

  • Get a fresh, holistic perspective on what is happening and options for dealing with it
  • Establish the root cause of the problem and design a solution
  • Create a hands-on roadmap with actionable, measurable steps
  • Focus on what you do best - building your company and nurturing client relationships, while someone else runs with the to-do list.
  • Then you can let go of what is weighing you down.

Hi, I'm Lisa!

I’ve been working with entrepreneurs and small businesses for more than 20 years, and I understand where problems can start and fester in a business. Finding the root cause, building solutions and streamlining the workflow gets you unstuck.

Find your passion in your work again, business doesn't need to be complicated. I will help you clear the clutter, build strategy and get things done.

Systems and processes don't have to be boring. Let go of the inefficiencies, wasted money and frustration by getting help so you and your business can move on to bigger and better things.

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There is a Solution to Your Problem

A Holistic Approach to Business Consulting

Businesses are holistic. From strategy and marketing to operations and financial management, there are multiple moving parts working together to fulfill the vision of your company. Plus, each company and business owner is unique. Some problems are common, others are not, but getting to the root cause and designing a simple, straightforward plan to create positive change is what will break the cycle of time, money and sweat going down the drain.

Companies need to be maintained, not set it successful and forget it. The internal and external environments change and long-term sustainable businesses must be adaptive and agile to weather the storms.

Technology is moving at a faster pace than ever before, industry regulation is getting tighter, hybrid and remote work are the new norm, and mental health awareness is in the spotlight for talent management. Meanwhile day to day operations, customer service and financial management don't go away.

The solutions that work are the ones that come from you because you know your business better than anyone. I work as a guide, and advisor and roll up my sleeves to help you get things sorted out, cleaned up and moving forward. The result? A huge weight gets lifted off your shoulders. You see the light again in your business and your hope, energy and ambition return.

Business Operations Costing Too Much?

Wondering how to lead your business operations moving forward? How do you strategize, simplify and streamline tasks and efforts to save time, money and stress? The fears can bubble up for business owners with late nights, fatigue, and feeling stuck in a mental circle going nowhere. If you want it to change, you will need to look at problems in a new way.

I'd suggest taking a step back from what is happening. Take a slow deep breath to calm the mind. Take a holistic look at what is happening and where you want to go. It is like solving a puzzle. Sometimes there is that single piece you can't find to fill the right spot. When you do, it is like magic!

That is where I come in. We do this together. I help you find those missing pieces to put the puzzle together.

Want to talk about your business? Click the button below and let's schedule a meet.

Business Consulting Services

Let's get to the heart of your company's strategy. We offer the following service packages.

Custom services are available. Just ask - we'd love to help!

Business Audit

Get to the source of what isn't working in your business. We will work together to find solutions. Audit includes analysis, research and final recommendations report. Goals and action plan included.

Implementation Support

You've done the audit, now it's time to get to work, and get the energy flowing in your business. From training staff to project management, to strategic planning and goal setting, we are there for you.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Workflows inefficient, keep recreating the wheel? We can help you refine your workflow processes and design and document operating procedures that anyone can follow.

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